May 15 – 22, 2011 International Week for Respecting Childbirth

«Birth where you want, the way you want and with whom you want»

European Network of Childbirth Assocations (ENCA) ENCA Hellas

The International Week for Respecting Childbirth IWRC is an opportunity to raise international voices on a specific topic related to the promotion of gentle birth. The IWRC takes place every year during the month of May.

In 2011, IWRC will take place from 15 to 22 May. Its topic will be “Birth where you want, the way you want and with whom you want”.

Mothers, babies and childbirth deserve respect. Mothers’ choices should be treated with respect. One of the underlying objectives is a shared concern about ‘witch hunts’ against midwives attending homebirths or trying to improve hospital practices, and parents making choices incompatible with overmedicalised protocols.

Depending on the theme of each year, certain objectives and ideas for action are proposed. Individuals or groups may then work out the concrete steps, using the material that has been collectively prepared and made available on the website: posters, folders, leaflets etc. Depending on people/group’s time and degree of involvement, many events can be organised at a more or less large scale: exhibitions, meetings, conferences...

The IWRC was initiated in 2004 by Alliance française pour l’accouchement respecté (AFAR), a French non-profit society entirely free from philosophical, medical, religious and political lines of thinking. Since 2011 its coordination has been handed over to the European Network of Childbirth Associations (ENCA).

The IWRC was initiated in 2004 by Alliance française pour l’accouchement respecté (AFAR), a French non-profit society entirely free from philosophical, medical, religious and political lines of thinking. Since 2011 its coordination has been handed over to the European Network of Childbirth Associations (ENCA).

Actions in Greece

«Open Week for Respecting Childbirth», from May 15 to May 22, is one of the Greek actions coordinated by ENCA Hellas. Individuals and organisations who are involved, in one way or another, in perinatal care, pregnancy and couple support and the empowerment for mothers, fathers and babies, offer their knowledge and services for free and organise specific events and actions. The aim is to offer women the inspiration, knowledge and support to have their birth where they want it, the way they want it and with whom they want it.

ENCA Hellas was created for the improvement of perinatal care in Greece, following the initiative of sensitized organizations and individuals/citizens. It represents Greece in the European Network of Childbirth Associations ENCA.

For more information

For more information on the Open Week for Respecting Childbirth action, please contact: You can also join us in Facebook:

If you are interested in actively participating in the organization of actions, you may join our yahoo group. Please send an email to Yiannis Kalopisis at:, so he can add you to the group.

For more information on ENCA, ENCA Hellas and IWRC, please visit:,, (the official site of ENCA soon will be updated).

For more information on the International Week for Respecting Childbirth, you can also visit

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